Technologies and Sciences



Light Aircraft ( Part 1 )------------------------------An airplane relief on airflow over its wings to generate a liftin...
Last Reply 4 years ago from simuggao


LEP (Large Electron-Position)
Particle accelerators, some of the largest scientific instruments built, are used to probe the smallest pieces of matter...
Last Reply 4 years ago from Tang Bo Hu


Bionic Human and Robots
Robotics ============Robots are widespread in the manufacturing industry today, but , as yet, they have not fulfilled th...
Last Reply 4 years ago from Tang Bo Hu


Dating Technology
Dating technology describes several techniques for establishing the ages of various ancient natural objects and artefact...
Last Reply 4 years ago from simuggao


From Big 2 Tiny, from Far 2 Near (Microscopes and Telescopes )
Electron Microscopes ======================== Optical microscopes have been used since the early 1600s to view objects t...
Last Reply 4 years ago from simuggao


How color works=================Color are so familiar to us that it is easy to take them for granted. But the principles...
Last Reply 4 years ago from simuggao


Military Gadgets
Battling in the Dark ==================The human eye is naturally limited at seeing in the dark. It can detect shapes on...
Last Reply 4 years ago from simuggao