Solvents and Reagents


The Purification of Common Organic Solvents


Commercially available grades of organic solvents are of adequate purity

for use in many reactions provided that the presence of small quantities

of water (the most widespread impurity in all organic solvents) is not

harmful to the course of the reaction, and also that the presence of other

impurities (e.g. ethanol in diethyl ether) is unlikely to cause undesirable

side reactions. The commercially available grades for general use are often

accompanied by specifications indicating the amount and nature of any

impurities present.

when however the levels of impurities , including moisture, are unacceptable

for particular reactions, and when large volumes of such solvents are likely to

be required, it is frequently more economic to purify the commercial grades

than to purchase the more expensive AnalaR grades. Solvents of the

appropriate grade of purity should also be used in isolation (extraction) and

purification (re-crystallization) processes, particularly in the latter stages

immediately prior to spectroscopic and/or elemental analysis.

November 21, 2020 10:10 AM


Drying Solvents


Rigorously dried organic solvents are frequently markedly hygroscopic.

The distillation assembly should therefore be protected by a suitable

drying tube. The redistilled material should be stored in a clean dry

bottle with a well fitting stopper which can, if necessary, be sealed

with paraffix wax. If exceptionally hygroscopic compounds need to be

stored, this is best done in sealed glass ampoules, but it is usually best

in such cases to use the material immediately after drying and purification .

It is often convenient to remove final traces of water with the aid of a

molecular sieve and to store the dried solvent in the presence of the sieve.

The descriptive term, molecular sieve, applies to a group of dehydrated

synthetic sodium and calcium aluminosilicate adsorbents (zeolites) which

have a crystal lattice structure incorporating uniformly sized holes or pores

which are able to accept molecules smaller than a limiting dimension; the

larger molecules do not diffuse into the lattice structure. This selectivity,

based upon molecular shape and dimension, accounts for the sieving

action and is particularly valuable for the removal from gases and liquids

of water, which readily diffuses into the pores and is retained by a strong

absorptive attraction. The pore size is determined by the nature of the

manufacturing process and currently five principal types are available in

bead, pellet or powder forms, namely Types 3A, 4A, 5A, 10X and 13X,

representing an effective pore diameter of approximately 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8 ,

and 1.0 nm respectively. All these are stable over a pH range 5--11 but

interaction with strong acids is to be avoided; grades are available which

are more resistant to the action of acid (e.g., AW-300, AW-500).

Types 3A, 4A, and 5A are those which are most usually employed for drying

purposes; 5A is also capable of adsorbing the higher homologues of

straight chain alkanes, alkenes and alcohols. The absorptive capacity for

water is higher than that of silica gel, alumina or activated charcoal. After use,

molecular sieves may be readily regenerated by heating between

150 and 300oC in a suitable oven or in a stream of dry air and

then cooling in a desiccator.

Solvents used for the preparation of solution for spectroscopic examination

(particularly infrared measurement) need to be rigorously purified or

spectroscopic grades must be purchased. It is advisable to dry the solvent

immediately before use by means of a molecular sieve.

November 21, 2020 10:12 AM


Saturated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons


1) Light petroleum :

The fractions of refined petroleum which are commonly used have

b.p. 40--60, 60--80, 80--100 and 100-120 oC. It is not

advisable to employ a fraction with a wider b.p. range than 20 oC,

because of possible loss of the more volatile portion during its use in

re-crystallization , etc., and consequent different solubility relationships

with the higher boiling residue . For some purposes the presence of

unsaturated (chiefly aromatic) hydrocarbons in light petroleum is

undesirable. Most of the unsaturated hydrocarbons may be removed

by shaking two or three times with 10 per cent of the volume of

concentrated sulphuric acid ; vigorous shaking is then continued with

successive portions of a concentrated solution of potassium

permanganate in 10 per cent sulphuric acid until the color of the

permanganate remains unchanged. The solvent is then thoroughly

washed with water, dried over anhydrous calcium chloride and distilled.

If required perfectly dry, it should be allowed to stand over sodium wire.

More recently a convenient method of purification has been recommended

which is to decant the solvent, previously treated with sulphuric acid,

directly on to a basic alumina (Grade I) column using about 50 g of

absorbent for each 100ml of solvent; the first 5 percent of eluate is

discarded. The column receiver should be suitably protected from the

ingress of moisture by the attachment of a calcium chloride tube.

Light petroleum fractions free from aromatic hydrocarbons are marketed,

as are the pure homologues, pentane, heptane, hexane, octane, etc.

While some of these latter are available in spectroscopically pure grades,

their purification for spectroscopic use may be readily achieved by passing

through a chromatographic column having silica gel (Grade I) in the lower

section and basic alumina (Grade I) in the upper section.

Similar purification procedures apply to cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane

and the decalins.

The purity of all these hydrocarbon solvents may be checked by gas-liquid

chromatography using an Apiezon, a Silicone oil or an SE-52 silicone rubber

gum chromatographic column.

November 21, 2020 10:13 AM


Aromatic Hydrocarbons


2) Benzene :

The analytical reagent grade benzene is satisfactory for most purposes;

if required dry, it is first treated with anhydrous calcium chloride , filtered

and then placed over sodium wire or a Type 5A molecular sieve.

Commercial benzene may contain thiophen C4H4S,

b.p. 84oC, which cannot be separated by distillation or by

fractional crystallization. The presence of thiophen may be detected by

shaking 3 ml of benzene with a solution of 10 mg of isatin in 10ml of

concentrated sulphuric acid and allowing the mixture to stand for a

short time : a bluish-green coloration is produced if thiophen is present.

The thiophen may be removed from benzene by shaking with concentrated

sulphuric acid, advantage being taken of the fact that thiophen is more

readily sulphonated than benzene. The technical benzene is shaken

repeatedly with about 15 percent of its volume of concentrated sulphuric

acid in a stoppered separatory funnel until the acid layer is colorless or

very pale yellow on standing, or until the thiophen test is negative. After

each shaking lasting a few minutes, the mixture is allowed to settle and

the lower layer is drawn off. the benzene is then shaken twice with

water in order to remove most of the acid, once with 10 percent sodium

carbonate solution, again with water and finally dried with anhydrous

calcium chloride. After filtration, the benzene is distilled through an

efficient column and the fraction, b.p. 80--81 oC, collected.

If required perfectly dry the distilled benzene may either be stored over

sodium wire or left in the presence of a Type 5A molecular sieve. Pure

benzene has b.p. 80oC/760 mmHg and m.p. 5.5 oC.

November 21, 2020 10:14 AM


Aromatic Hydrocarbons


3) Toluene :

Toluene free from sulphur compounds may be purchased. Commercial toluene

may contain methyl thiophens (thiotolenes), b.p. 112--113 oC, which

cannot be removed by distillation. It may be purified with concentrated

sulphuric acid in a similar manner to the purification of benzene, but care must

be taken that the temperature is not allowed to rise unduly ( <30 oC )

as toluene is sulphonated more easily than benzene. If required perfectly dry

the distilled toluene may be stored over sodium wire or left in the presence of

a Type 5A grade of molecular sieve. Pure toluene has b.p. 110.5 oC/760 mmHg.

4) Xylenes :

For solvent purposes various grades of xylenes (the mixture of isomers and

ethylbenzene) are available; purification and drying procedures are similar

to those used for benzene and toluene. For chemical purposes the commercially

available pure isomeric xylenes are usually available in at least 99 percent purity.

November 21, 2020 10:14 AM


Halogenated Hydrocarbons


5) Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) :

The commercial grade is purified by washing with 5 percent sodium

carbonate solution , followed by water, dried over anhydrous calcium

chloride and then fractionated. The fraction, b.p. 40--41 oC ,

is collected.

Methylene chloride is a useful substitute for diethyl ether in extraction

processes when it is desired to employ a solvent which is heavier than


6) Chloroform :

The commercial product contains up to 1 percent of ethanol which is

added as a stabilizer. The ethanol may be removed by any of the

following procedures :

  (a) The chloroform is shaken five or six times with about half its

     volume of water, then dried over anhydrous calcium chloride

     for at least 24 hours and distilled.

  (b) The chloroform is shaken two or three times with a small volume

     (say 5 percent) of concentrated sulphuric acid, thoroughly

     washed with water, dried over anhydrous calcium chloride or

     anhydrous potassium carbonate and distilled.

  (c) The chloroform is passed through a column of basic alumina

    (Grade I; 10 g per 14 ml of solvent), a procedure which also

    removes traces of water and acid; the eluate may be used directly.

Pure chloroform has b.p. 61 oC/760 mmHg. It must not be dried

by standing with sodium or an explosion may occur. The solvent, when free

of alcohol, should be kept in the dark in order to avoid the photo-chemical

formation of dangerous quantities of phosgene.

November 21, 2020 10:15 AM


7) Carbon Tetrachloride


The analytical reagent product is sufficiently pure for most purpose;

the carbon disulphide content does not usually exceed 0.005 percent.

The technical product may contain up to 4 percent of carbon disulphide ;

this may be removed by the following method. One litre of commercial

carbon tetrachloride is treated with potassium hydroxide (1.5 times the

quantity required to combine with the carbon disulphide) dissolved in

an equal weight of water and 100ml of rectified spirit, and the mixture is

shaken vigorously for 30 minutes at 50--60 oC. After washing

with water, the process is repeated with half the quantity of potassium

hydroxide. Ethanol is then removed by shaking several times with 500ml

of water, followed by shaking with small portions of concentrated sulphuric

acid until there is no further coloration. The carbon tetrachloride is then

washed with water, dried over anhydrous calcium chloride and distilled.

Further purification may be effected , if necessary, by passing the distilled

solvent through a column of alumina and then allowing it to stand in the

presence of a Type 5A molecular sieve and finally distilling before use.

The pure compound has b.p. 76.5 oC/760 mmHg. Carbon

tetrachloride must not be dried over sodium , as an explosion may result.

Fire extinguishers containing this solvent cannot be applied to a fire

originating from sodium or similarly reactive metals.

Carbon tetrachloride is one of the solvents which may be dried relatively

efficiently by simple distillation, rejecting the first 10 percent of distillate,

until the distillate is clear.

November 21, 2020 10:16 AM


Aliphatic Alcohols


8) Methanol :

The synthetic methanol now available is suitable for most purposes

without purification : indeed some manufacturers claim a purity of

99.85 percent with not more than 0.1 percent by weight of water

and not more than 0.02 percent by weight of acetone.

Most of the water may be removed from commercial methanol by

distillation through an efficient fractionating column ; no constant

boiling point mixture is formed as is the case with ethanol. Anhydrous

methanol can be obtained from fractionally distilled solvent by

standing over a Type 4A molecular sieve or by treatment with

magnesium metal using the procedure given for super-dry ethanol .

Pure methanol has b.p. 65 oC/760 mmHg.

If the small proportion of acetone present in synthetic methanol is

objectionable it may be removed when present in quantities up to

1 percent by the following procedure. A mixture of 500 ml of methanol,

25 ml of furfural and 60 ml of 10 percent sodium hydroxide solution is

refluxed in a 2-litre round-bottomed flask, fitted with a double surface

condenser, for 6--12 hours. A resin is formed which carries down all

the acetone present. The alcohol is then fractionated through an

efficient column, the first 5 ml which may contain a trace of formaldehye

being rejected. The recovery of methanol is about 95 percent.

November 21, 2020 10:17 AM


Aliphate Alcohols


9) Ethanol :

Ethanol of a high degree of purity is frequently required in preparative

organic chemistry. For some purposes ethanol of ca. 99.5 percent purity

is satisfactory; this grade may be purchased (the "absolute alcohol" of

commerce), or it may be conveniently prepared by the dehydration of

rectified spirit with calcium oxide. Rectified spirit is the constant boiling

point mixture which ethanol forms with water, and usually contains

95.6 percent of ethanol by weight. Whenever the term rectified spirit is

used , approximately 95 percent ethanol is to be understood. Ethanol

which has been denatured by the incorporation of certain toxic additives,

notably methanol, to render it unfit for consumption, constitutes the

industrial spirit (industrial methylated spirit, IMS) of commerce; it is

frequently a suitable solvent for re-crystallization.

November 21, 2020 10:18 AM


Dehydration of Rectified Spirit by Calcium Oxide


Pour the contents of a Winchester bottle of rectified spirit (2--2.25 litres) into

a 3-litre round-bottomed flask and add 500 g of calcium oxide which has been

freshly ignited in a muffle furnace and allowed to cool in a desiccator. Fit the

flask with a double surface condenser carrying a calcium chloride guard-tube ,

reflux the mixture gently for 6 hours (preferably using a heating mantle) and

allow to stand overnight. Reassemble the condenser for downward distillation

via a splash head adapter to prevent carry-over of the calcium oxide in the

vapor stream. Attach a receiver flask with a side arm receiver adapter which is

protected by means of a calcium chloride guard-tube. Distill the ethanol gently

discarding the first 20 ml of distillate. Preserve the absolute ethanol (99.5%)

in a bottle with a well fitting stopper.

"Super-dry" ethanol :


The yields in several organic preparations (e.g., malonic ester syntheses,

reductions involving sodium and ethanol, etc.) are considerably improved

by the use of ethanol of 99.8 percent purity or higher. This very high grade

ethanol may be prepared in several ways from commercial absolute alcohol

or from the product of dehydration of rectified spirit with calcium oxide.

The method of Lund and Bjerrum depends upon the reactions :

   Mg + 2C2H5OH =>> H2 + Mg ( OC2H5 )2

  Mg (OC2H5 )2 + 2H2O =>> Mg ( OH )2 + 2C2H5OH

Reaction (1) usually proceeds readily provided the magnesium is activated with

iodine and the water content does not exceed 1 percent . Subsequent

interaction between the magnesium ethanolate and water gives the highly

insoluble magnesium hydroxide; only a slight excess of magnesium is therefore


Fit a dry 1.5- or 2-litre round-bottomed flask with a double surface condenser

and a calcium chloride guard-tube . Place 5 g of clean dry magnesium turnings

and 0.5 g of iodine in the flask, followed by 50--75 ml of commercial absolute

ethanol. Warm the mixture until the iodine has disappeared : if a lively

evolution of hydrogen does not set in, add a further 0.5 g portion of iodine.

Continue heating until all the magnesium is converted into ethanolate, then

add 900 ml of commercial absolute ethanol and reflux the mixture for

30 minutes. Distill off the ethanol directly into the vessel in which it is to be

stored, using an apparatus similar to that described for the dehydration of

rectified spirit. The purity of the ethanol exceeds 99.95 percent provided

adequate precautions are taken to protect the distillate from atmospheric

moisture. The super-dry ethanol is exceedingly hygroscopic; it may with

advantage be stored over a Type 4A molecular sieve.

If the alcohol is required for conductivity or other physico-chemical work and

traces of bases are objectionable, these may be removed by re-distillation

from a little 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid. This acid is selected because it is not

esterified by alcohols, consequently no water is introduced into the alcohol.

November 21, 2020 10:19 AM


Dehydration of rectified spirit by calcium oxide


10) Propan-1-ol :


The purest available commercial propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) should be

dried with anhydrous potassium carbonate or with anhydrous calcium

sulphate, and distilled through an efficient fractionating column. The

fraction , b.p. 96.5--97.5 oC/760 mmHg, is collected. If the

propan-1-ol is required perfectly dry, it may be treated with magnesium

activated with iodine by the method described above for ethanol.

11) Propan-2-ol :


Two technical grades of propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) are usually marketed

having purities of 91 percent and 99 percent respectively. The former has a

b.p. of about 80.3 oC and is constant boiling point mixture with

water. Propan-2-ol may contain peroxide, which if present must be removed

before dehydration is attempted. Therefore test for peroxide by adding 0.5 ml

of propan-2-ol to 1 ml of 10 percent potassium iodide solution acidified with

0.5 ml of dilute ( 1 : 5 ) hydro-chloric acid and mixed with a few drops of starch

solution just prior to the test : if a blue ( or blue-black ) coloration appears in

one minute, the test is positive. To remove peroxide heat under reflux 1 litre of

propan-2-ol with 10--15 g of solid tin(II) chloride for half an hour. Test a portion

of the cooled solution for peroxide : if iodine is liberated, add further 5 g portions

of tin(II) chloride and heat under reflux for half-hour periods until the test is

negative. Add about 200 g of calcium oxide and heat under reflux for 4 hours,

and then distill, discarding the first portion of distillate. The water content may

be further reduced by allowing the distillate to stand over calcium metal or a

Type 5A molecular sieve for several days, followed by further fractionation.

Anhydrous propan-2-ol has b.p. 82--83 oC/760 mmHg; however,

peroxide generally redevelops during several days.

November 21, 2020 10:20 AM


Dehydration of rectified spirit by calcium oxide


12) Higher alcohols :


These may be purified by drying with anhydrous potassium carbonate or

with anhydrous calcium sulphate, and fractionated after filtration from the

desiccant in apparatus with ground glass joints. The boiling points of the

fractions to be collected are as follows :

  Butan-1-ol (butyl alcohol), b.p. 116.5--118 oC/760 mmHg.

  2-Methylpropan-1-ol (isobutyl alcohol), b.p. 106.5--107.5 oC/760 mmHg.

  Butan-2-ol (s-butyl alcohol), b.p. 99--100 oC/760 mmHg.

  2-Methylpropan-2-ol (t-butyl alcohol), b.p. 81.5--82.5 oC/760 mmHg, m.p. 25.5 oC.

  Petan-1-ol (amyl alcohol), b.p. 136--137.5 oC/760 mmHg.

  3-Methylbutan-1-ol (isoamyl alcohol), b.p. 130--131 oC/760 mmHg.

  Hexan-1-ol (hexyl alcohol), b.p. 156.5--157.5 oC/760 mmHg.

If perfectly anhydrous alcohols are required these may in general be

obtained by treatment with sodium followed by addition of the

corresponding alkyl succinate or phthalate. Sodium alone cannot be

used for the complete removal of water in an alcohol owing to the

equilibrium between the resulting sodium hydroxide and the alcohol :

  NaOH + ROH ⇄ (reaction in both directions) ⇄ RONa _ H2O

The purpose of adding the ester is to remove the sodium hydroxide by

the saponification reaction :

  CH2.CO2R           CH2.CO2Na   

  l        + 2NaOH --> l         + 2ROH

  CH2.CO2R           CH2.CO2Na

Typically 7 g of sodium metal are added to 1 litre of butan-2-ol (having no more than

0.5% of water) contained in a two-necked flask fitted with a double surface condenser.

When all the metal has reacted (some warming may be necessary to increase the speed

of reaction), 33 g of pure 2-butyl succinate or 41 g of pure 2-butyl phthalate are added

and the mixture is heated under gentle reflux for two hours. Distillation through a

Vigreux column affords a distillate containing not more than 0.05 percent of water.

November 21, 2020 10:22 AM


Dehydration of rectified spirit by calcium oxide


13) Mono-alkyl ethers of ethylene glycol, R.O.CH2.CH2OH :


The monomethyl, ethyl and butyl ethers are inexpensive and are known

as methyl cellosolve, cellosolve and butyl cellosolve respectively. They are

completely miscible with water, and are excellent solvents. The commercial

products are purified by drying over anhydrous potassium carbonate or

anhydrous calcium sulphate, followed by fractionation after the removal of

the desiccant. The boiling points of the pure products are :

 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (or 2-methoxyethanol), b.p 124.5 oC/760 mmHg.

 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (or 2-ethoxyethanol), b.p 1355 oC/760 mmHg.

 Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (or 2-butoxyethanol), b.p 171 oC/760 mmHg.

14) Mono-alkyl ethers of diethylene glycol, R.O.CH2.CH2.O.CH2.CH2OH :


The monomethyl, ethyl and butyl ethers are inexpensive commercial products

and are know as methyl carbitol, carbitol and butyl carbitol respectively. They

are all completely miscible with water and are purified as already described

for the "cellosolves" above . The boiling points of the pure compounds are :

 Diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, b.p. 194 oC/760 mmHg.

 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, b.p. 198.5 oC/760 mmHg.

 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, b.p. 230.5 oC/760 mmHg.

Note :

     The cellosolve and carbitol solvents may contain traces of peroxide.

      These can be removed either by heating under reflux over anhydrous

      tin(II) chloride (see 11. Propan-2-ol) or by filtration under slight

      pressure through a column of activated basic alumina (Grade I);

      the used alumina should be saturated with water before being


November 21, 2020 10:24 AM




15) Diethyl ether (Ether) :


   The chief impurities in commercial ether (d. 0.720) are water and ethanol.

Furthermore, when ether is allowed to stand for some time in contact with air

and exposed to light, slight oxidation occurs with the formation of the highly

explosive diethyl peroxide, (C2H5)2O3.

The danger from this unstable compound becomes apparent at the conclusion

of the distillation of impure ether, when the comparatively non-volatile

peroxide becomes concentrated in the residue in the distillation flask, and a

serious explosion may then result if an attempt is made to evaporate the

ether to dryness. It is perhaps worthy of comment in this connection that in

the extraction of an organic compound with ether and the subsequent

removal of the solvent, the presence of the residual compound seems largely

to eliminate the danger due to traces of peroxide, due presumably to its

catalytic effect which leads to a more controlled decomposition. Nevertheless

ether which has been standing for several months in a partially filled bottle

exposed to light and air should be tested for peroxide by the procedure

described under [11] Propan-2-ol. If present, the peroxide may be removed

by shaking 1 litre of ether with 10--20 ml of a concentrated solution of an

iron (II) salt prepared either by dissolving 60 g of iron(II) sulphate in a

mixture of 6 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid and 110 ml of water, or by

dissolving 100 g of iron(II) chloride in a mixture of 42 ml of concentrated

hydrochloric acid and 85 ml of water.

Peroxide may also be removed by shaking with an aqueous solution of

sodium sulphite or with solid tin(II) chloride (see[11] Propan-2-ol) or by

passage through a column of alumina. It is worthy of note that all dialkyl

ethers have a tendency to form explosive peroxides and they should be

routinely tested before further purification leading to a final distillation

process is attempted.

Apart from the dangers inherent in the use of diethyl ether due to the

presence of peroxide, attention must be directed to the fact that ether

is highly inflammable and also extremely volatile (b.p. 35oC), and

great care should be taken that there is no naked flame in the vicinity

of the liquid. Under no circumstances should ether be distilled over a

bare flame, but always from a steam bath or an electrically heated

water bath and with a highly efficient double surface condenser.

Ether vapor has been known to ignite on contact with a hot plate or

even a hot tripod upon which a water bath has previously been heated.

November 21, 2020 10:25 AM


Ethers :


16) Di-isopropyl ether :


The commercial product usually contains appreciable quantities of

peroxide; this should be removed by treatment with an acidified

solution of an iron(II) salt or with a solution of sodium sulphite

(see [15] Diethyl ether). The di-isopropyl ether is then dried over

anhydrous calcium chloride and distilled,

the fraction b.p. 68.5 oC/760 mmHg being collected.

17) Dibutyl ether :


Technical dibutyl ether does not usually contain appreciable quantities

of peroxide, unless it has been stored for a prolonged period. It should ,

however, be tested for peroxide , and, if the test is positive , the solvent

should be shaken with an acidified solution of an iron(II) salt or with a

solution of sodium sulphite (see under [15] Diethyl ether). The dibutyl

ether is dried with anhydrous calcium chloride and distilled through a

fractionating column : the portion b.p. 140--141 oC is

collected. If a fraction of low boiling point is obtained, the presence of

butan-1-ol is indicated and may be removed by shaking twice with an

equal volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid , followed by washing

with water and drying . Pure dibutyl ether has b.p. 142 oC/760 mmHg.

November 21, 2020 10:28 AM




18) Di-alkyl ethers of monoethylene and diethylene glycol :


The dimethyl ether of ethylene glycol (dimethoxyethane CH3.O.CH2.CH2.O.CH3 ,

frequently referred to as DME or dimethyl cellosolve or glyme) has

b.p. 85 oC/760 mmHg, is miscible with water, is a good solvent

and an excellent inert reaction medium. The diethyl ether of ethylene glycol

(diethyl cellosolve) is partially miscible with water (21% at 20 oC) and has

b.p. 121.5 oC/760 mmHg.

The dimethyl ether of diethylene glycol (CH3.O.(CH2.CH2.O)2CH3 ,

diglyme has b.p. 62 oC/17 mmHg; the corresponding diethyl ether (diethyl carbitol)

has b.p. 186 oC/760 mmHg.

All these are excellent solvents for organic compounds; they are purified

by initial storage over sodium hydroxide pellets and then heated under

reflux with calcium hydride, lithium aluminium hydride, sodium hydride, or

sodium , before being fractionally distilled (under reduced pressure if

necessary) in an atmosphere of nitrogen.

19) Tetrahydrofuran :


The commercial grade of this solvent is obtainable in greater than 99.5 percent

purity, in which water and peroxides are the major impurities; an inhibitor for

peroxide formation may have been added by the manufacturers. Peroxide, if

present, must be removed by passage through a column off alumina, or by

shaking with iron(II) sulphate solution as described under diethyl ether before

drying and further purification is attempted. If the latter method is employed the

solvent should then be dried initially over calcium sulphate or solid potassium

hydroxide, before being heated under reflux over calcium hydride or lithium

aluminium hydride. The solvent is finally fractionally distilled. Pure tetrahyrofuran

has b.p. 65--66 oC/760 mmHg; it should be stored over calcium hydride.

November 21, 2020 10:31 AM