Index to Tables
Table 3.1 : Chemical shifts of CH3, CH2, CH groups
(a) carbon substituents
(b) nitrogen substituents
(c) oxygen substituents
(d) halogen substituents
(e) sulphur substituents
(f) alicyclic rings
Table 3.2 : Shielding constants for aliphatic methylene groups
Table 3.3 : Chemical shifts of protons attached to unsaturated systems
Table 3.4 : Chemical shifts of protons aatched to aromatic and heteroaromatic rings
Table 3.5 : Effect of substituents in benzenoid compounds
Table 3.6 : Chemical shifts of protons attached to atoms other than carbon
Table 3.7 : Proton-proton coupling constants
(a) saturated systems
(b) unsaturated systems
(c) aromatic and heteroaromatic systems
Table 3.8 : Coupling constants of protons with other nuclei
(a) fluorine
(b) phosphorus
(c) silicon
Table 3.9 : Fluorine-fluorine coupling constants
Table 3.10 : Chemical shifts of residual protons in deuterated solvents
Table 3.11 Spin-spin systems
Table 3.12 : Effect on 13C chemical shift values caused by
replacing a methyl group by a polar substituent
Table 3.13 : 13C Chemical shift of some monosubstituted alkenes
Table 3.14 : 13C Substituent effects for substituted benzenes
Table 3.15 : 13C Chemical shift for some hereroaromatic compounds
Table 3.1 : Chemical shifts of CH3, CH2, CH groups
(a) carbon substituents
(b) nitrogen substituents
(c) oxygen substituents
(d) halogen substituents
(e) sulphur substituents
(f) alicyclic rings
Table 3.2 : Shielding constants for aliphatic methylene groups
Table 3.3 : Chemical shifts of protons attached to unsaturated systems
Table 3.4 : Chemical shifts of protons aatched to aromatic and heteroaromatic rings
Table 3.5 : Effect of substituents in benzenoid compounds
Table 3.6 : Chemical shifts of protons attached to atoms other than carbon
Table 3.7 : Proton-proton coupling constants
(a) saturated systems
Table 3.7 : Proton-proton coupling constants
(b) unsaturated systems
Table 3.7 : Proton-proton coupling constants
(c) aromatic and heteroaromatic systems
Table 3.8 : Coupling constants of protons with other nuclei
(a) fluorine
(b) phosphorus
(c) silicon
Table 3.10 : Chemical shifts of residual protons in deuterated solvents
Table 3.12 : Effect on 13C chemical shift values caused by
replacing a methyl group by a polar substituent
Table 3.13 : 13C Chemical shift of some monosubstituted alkenes